Sunday, June 12, 2011

Mermaids: The Body Found

      Last night, as I was watching some random videos on Youtube, I found a documentary from Animal Planet that is very very interesting. I stronly recommend all of you to watch it. The documentary is about "the blue bloop" which scientists assume that it is the sound of the conversations of mermaids. The documentary has eight parts. If you have time, I strongly recommend you to watch it. It is very cool and mystery.
      I've never wonder about the whether mermaids really exist or not because I believed that they were fairy tales. However, after watching this documentary, it makes me starts to believe that mermaids really do exist. Even though at the beginning of the film, it says that this ducumentary is just a science prediction, not necessairly real, I still think that it is real after watch it. How cool is it that mermaids really do exist?! Please, join me and discover the existence of mermaids!

This is a picture of a mermaid's body that scientists found from a shark's stomach

This is a recreation of what a mermaid may look like. (Look somehow like Avatar, maybe James Cameron had seen mermaids before.)

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time part IV

      This is the last quarter of the book. And after finishing the book, I am happy (like this J )because I've read a good book.
      When Christopher finally met his mother, I thought her mother would act like what she did before, which was not be able to be patient with Christopher. However, Mother seemed to have changed or whether she was just too glad that Christopher wanted to live with her.
      I almost cried when I read to the part when Christopher refused to talk to Father in Mother's place and the policeman had to take him away. I particularly like these sentences: "I cooked his meals. I cleaned his clothes. I looked after him every weekend. I looked after him when he was ill. I took hom to the doctor. I worried myself sick every time he wandered off somewhere at night. I went to school every time he got into a fight. And you? What? You wrote him some fucking letters." I felt that Father was very right. He did not run away from Christopher. Mother did. He was the one who really took care of Christopher. Not Mother. Every one can write letters. Yet, Christopher refused to talk to him. I felt my eyes were filled with water when Christopher wrote " And there were tears dripping off [Father's] face.
      Nevertheless, I am very happy that this book has a happy ending and Christopher finally willing to try to live with Father again. JJJ

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time part III

      In chapter 163, Christopher described the event of Smarties that his elementary teacher, Julie, performed. After Julie revealed that it was a red pencil that was in the Smarties tube, Christopher felt that everyone knew what he knew in mind. Therefore, when Julie asked him what would his mother guess what was in the tube, Christopher answered a red pencil. I found that interesting. This event showed that Christopher's mind was different than others. He thinks differently from others. He felt that everyone must know what he know as well.
      After Father cleaned up Christopher, he tried to explain to Christopher why he had lied and he was the one who killed Wellington. At first, I felt pity for Father. But then, I counld not understand why he killed Wellington. Even though he explained that he killed Wellington because he thought that Mrs. Shears cared more about Wellington than Christopher and him, but I felt it was not a good enough reason to kill the dog. I mean it was not Mrs. Shears's responsibility to take care of Christopher. Christopher is not her chlid. Mrs. Shears was only helping Father and Christopher out. She did not commit to spend the rest of her life with them.
      Then, Christopher ran away from home and took the train to London to find his mother. I was pretty impressed by Christopher about his "moving in a spiral" method to find the train station. I was also impressed by his capacity to tolerant the things he normally could not tolerant, such as be in a unfamiliar new place, people taliking to him or touching him...etc. When the policeman told Christopher that his father was in the train station and was looking for him, my heart beat raced. I thought that Christopher was going to be brought back to his father and all the efforts that he made by himself was gone. But luckily, Christopher was smart and lucky enough not to be brought back to his father. However, I felt pity for his father because he must be really worried about Christopher.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time part II (add on)

      After I finish reading the second quarter of the book, where Christopher found out that Father had lied to him the whole time that Mother was dead and Father confessed that he had killed Wellington, I felt that the book is getting more and more intense. When Christopher found out that his mother was not dead, I didn't know what to think and I didn't know what to expect from Christopher's reaction towards this. If I were him, I would also be very angry with Father. However, reflected to what Mrs. Alexanders had said, Father probably lied for a good reason. Therefore, I felt like my mind was just as complex as Christopher's. And after reading through the second letter, which Mother had explained why she left Christopher, I would probably be very angry with Mother also if I were Christopher. I could not accept the fact that the main reason why Mother had left was she fell in love with Mr. Shears yet she put it in the way that it seems like Christopher's illness was the main reason why she left. I mean a responsible mother would never leave her child no matter how difficult it is to raise the child. (At least that's what I think) Also, it is very irresponsible to leave the child to your husband to raise. Marriage is a promise. When you get married, you made a promise to stay with your spouse no matter what. Therefore, I could not accept the action of Christopher's mother. I felt that Father was a very strong, brave and responsible man. I would be on his side if I had to choose.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Changing Education Paradigms + the Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time part II

      After watching the video of changing education paradigms again and have more understand of what Sir Ken Robinson was saying, I agree with what Robinson said. The part that I agree the most is that we should not divide students only by age. It is true that people with same age tend to have similar thoughts and actions. However, we cannot ignore the fact that some people are better than the others in the same age, or some better in descipline than the others. The most common thing in children, like us who are still getting education, should not be the age. It should be interest, in my opinion. I also agree that the system of education shouldn't be putting us students to sleep. They shouldn't be forcing us to study what we are not interested. They should be waking us up for focusing on what we like.

      Even though I have not yet read very much of the second portion of this book, I am immediately impressed by ch101. I never know that it is always better to change our decision when one door of the three is already opened. I always think that it is all about luck. Even when Christopher is explaining why it is always better to change the decision in the beginning I still do not get it. Until I see the graph that Christopher shows in the book, I finally realize the reason and I was very impressed by Christopher's logic. It is like seeing a magic trick (No kidding!) I am utterly impressed. I am liking this book more and more!

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-timent part I


 I found this book really interesting. Christopher, a boy with autism, expresses his feelings in a way that attracts me and cause me want to continue reading the book. He describes everything in details and explains the words that have the possibility to confuse the reader. I like it very much. The use of grammar is not really hard. You can completely understand what Christopher is trying to say.
      The part which I particularily like in this portion of the book is when he explains why he can't lie. (ch 37 (p.19)) He use an example of he eating Ready Brek and some hot raspberry milk shake for breakfast. If he says that he actually had Shreddies and a mug of tea, he starts thinking about Coco Pops and lemonade and porridge and Dr. Pepper and how he wasn't eating his breakfast in Egypt and there isn't a rhino in the room...etc. This shows that he is not ordinary. He is different. He is special.
      Reading this book allows me to understand how people with autism think and how do they live in their "own world." I like this book. It's a very interesting book. Hope you guys would read it someday if you have time! :)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Reflection on Shutting Out the Kids from the Family Fortune

See the article here: Shutting Out the Kids from the Family Fortune

      I feel the same way as Judge McGraw feels. I am curious why Wellington R. Burt only distribue his fortune to the generations after his grand children. I mean, does that mean the great-grand children would not be spoiled with his money if that is what he was worried that his children and grand children would be? I personally think that this method of splitting the money is not very effective. We live in a more morden society with higher technonlgy. This means that the competition of the market is tougher. The great-grand children receiving a big amount of money would have a higher possibility of allowing them become couch potatos. This may not be correct, but it has a bigger tendency to let them be spoiled. That is my opinion, no offense.

So here comes the questions:

      1. If you lived to be old and very wealthy, would you leave all your money to your children?
If not, why not?
      I would not leave all my money to my children.  I would leave some to my children, and leave some to my grand children and great-grand children in case they run out of money. The reason why I would leave some of my money to my chldren is because I am their parent. I have the responsibility to provide them a good life. Also, I certainly do not want to see my children not be able to afford their bills and meals. After all, they are my children. I love them.
      2. If so, would you favor males over females or the first born?
      I would definitely be completely fair with them money. I mean, why would I prefer one gender over the other? Everyone is equal. Why would I favor the first born? Does it mean that first born has the stronger ability to do things? I don't think so. They are all my children. I will distribute my money equally because I love them equally.
      3. Would you give anything to grandchildren, or like the person in the article, leave money to the generations living after your grandchildren? Explain.
      Like I've already answered in the first question, yes, I would leave some to my grand children and great-grand children (if I have large amount of money.) I do not want to see my grand children to be begging in the street for food. I want my all inheritances to have good lives. At least not have to worry about no food to eat, no clothes to wear.
      4. What percentage should go to charity?
      I would leave this question to my inheritances who get the money. I would hope that they would plan how to use their money well and leave some to the charity if they are not tight at hand.